KM Conference 2023, 28 June - 1 July 2023
Hosted by the Centre Universitaire d'Informatique (CUI), University of Geneva, Switzerland
Knowledge Management (KM) 2023 - Registration Page
1. Pre-Conference Industry Day Registration ***ONLY***
This registration is not needed if you are also registering to the conference. See conference registration options below. Please note that the Pre-Conference Industry Day Registration does NOT provide access to any of the full conference activities, it's ONLY for Wednesday 28 June 2023 - Pre-Conference Industry Day Event. Anyone wishing to also attend the full-conference, please use the registrations below.
KM2023 - Pre-Conference Industry Day Event ***ONLY*** (Free):
2. Conference Delegate/Author/Presenter Registration Options
KM2023 - Full Registration (€445/person) (after May 5, 2023):
- Registration gift
- Conference badge
- Access to all pre-conference industry day sessions
- Access to all conference keynotes, workshop, panels, and paper sessions
- Access to both conference lunches (Thursday & Friday)
- Access to all conference coffee breaks (Once on Wednesday, & Twice on Thursday & Friday)
- Access to Welcome reception (Wednesday evening)
- Access to both conference dinners (Thursday & Friday)
- Bus Social Event Tour
3. Conference Guest(s) Registration Options *
* - Guest options below are for access to parts of the conference based on your selection. For full conference guest registration and access (which includes also access to all lunches + coffee breaks), please use the "Delegate" option above.
KM2023 - Wednesday Reception + Dinners on Thursday and Friday + Saturday Social Tour (only) Registration Payment (€325/person):
- Guest conference badge
- Access to Welcome reception (Wednesday evening)
- Access to both conference dinners (Thursday & Friday)
- Bus Social Event Tour
KM2023 - Wednesday Reception + Dinners on Thursday and Friday (only) Registration Payment (€225/person):
- Guest conference badge
- Access to Welcome reception (Wednesday evening)
- Access to both conference dinners (Thursday & Friday)
KM2023 - Saturday Bus Tour (only) Registration Payment (€145/person):
4. IIAKM and KM2023 Conference Donation Options **
KM2023 Conference Donation Options (€100, €200, €300, or more***)
- Full IIAKM Membership (June 2023 - June 2024)
- Elite, Pro, and Premium members will be listed on the conference proceedings and receive an official letter of appreciation for supporting KM2023
**For additional donations above the in-person registration.
***If interested to donate beyond €300 in support of KM2023, use the Donate button on IIAKM homepage and put your own donation amount - thank YOU!
Modified: May 6, 2023
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