The International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that advocates sharing and access to knowledge including education and research on applied Knowledge Management (KM), Information Systems (IS), and Cybersecurity topics. IIAKM enables open-access and free dissemination of peer-review scholarly research and applied industry best practices as well as conducting scholarly conferences to promote education, research, and recognize leaders related to the topics of applied KM, IS, and cybersecurity. IIAKM is a member of Crossref.
The vision of the International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management (IIAKM) is to be the leading organization that advocates sharing and access to knowledge, including open-access and free dissemination of peer-review scholarly research and applied industry best practices. The Institute values activities and research that promote the practice of KM, IS, and cybersecurity.
The coverage of content in the above categories includes, but not limited to, the following topics: Cybersecurity, Information assurance/security, Knowledge society, IT, Intelligent information systems, Analytics, Business intelligence, Architectures for KM systems, Biometrics, Bioinformatics and Healthcare, Business Process Management Systems, Digital Media, E-Commerce/Business, E-Government, E-Learning, M-Learning, ERP, Ethics, Learning, Human capital, HCI, Business strategy, Content management, Data mining, Management Strategy, Strategic thinking, Knowledge acquisition, Knowledge creation/sharing mechanisms, knowledge economy (new economy), PM, Knowledge Services, Organizational learning, Mapping social networks, Mobile Communications, networking and Social networks analysis.
The institute is currently engaged in the following activities: